Now Available: It Is Inexhaustible, Fourth Release in Tattoo Gratitude Series
Every year around this time, there seems to be a lot of chaos and upheaval. Perhaps this is partly because of the change of seasons as we recover from the darkness of winter and begin our return trip toward longer days. Springtime is a violent and destructive phenomenon first, before it gives way to birth and nurture.
This fourth piece in the Gratitude tattoo series depicts a dragon, a cat who has caught a snake and a peacock. The words for this print are chapter 35 of the Tao Te Ching, reminding us that we have tools to center ourselves and stay clean-minded regardless of what happens outside of us. Good advice for such a time. I like this chapter because it describes this kind of clarity as utterly boring and ordinary.
Stay alert, stay ready and always draw from the well of calm inside you. That well cannot run dry. It’s inexhaustible.
It Is Inexhaustible Unique Variants
I have created these five unique variants of the It Is Inexhaustible print as part of this release. Each one is printed on hand-finished paper assembled from bits and pieces of prints from previous projects.