Other Avatar Solo Exhibition at Hashimoto Contemporary

Not long ago while in a public place I overheard a stranger tell someone that she had posted something on social media using her “other avatar.” This term has become something so strange and ubiquitous.
It was originally a Hindu term referring to the earthly incarnation of a god into material form in the way that Jesus was an Avatar of the Christian/Jewish god. When it was first being used in the context of computers, I was resistant to this application. It felt like a cheapening of something sacred but I’ve come to appreciate it.
In a universe that is changing so rapidly and with so much force and momentum, we all now walk around as gods with multiple incarnations of ourselves in another abstract dimension. Much of my art is an attempt to bring the symbolism and meaning of old mythologies into the context of our current world. The term “Avatar” in the modern sense is a great example of the universality and lateral connectedness that I am most motivated by.

Selected works from the show pictured below. Email nyc@hashimotocontemporary.com for advance collector’s preview.
Hashimoto Contemporary NYC
210 Rivington Street
New York, NY 10002
June 29, 2019 – July 20, 2019
Opening Reception:
Saturday June 31, 2019
6 PM – 8 PM
Artist in attendance