Bird Pot Print Release with 1xRun
The great people at 1xRun in Detroit are releasing limited-edition screen prints (and one original drawing) this Wednesday at Noon EST. See below for an exceprt of my interview with 1xRun, and click through to read the whole piece on their site. As always, thank you for taking the time to look at my work.
1xRun: Tell us a little bit about this piece.
RZ: This is a companion piece to my weekly Wednesday Release Project. I make a new original drawing every week based on something interesting that’s happening in the news and sell it for $100. It’s part of the “Age of Enlightenment” series that I have been developing and adding to for several years. All original, ink drawings are done in the style of medieval and renaissance woodblocks inspired by artists like Albrecht Dürer and Hans Holbein.
1xRun: Was this image part of a recent theme, series or show that you had?
RZ: A companion to the Wednesday release. Each Wednesday at noon Mountain Time time I release a new unique original drawing that highlights something going on in the news. It is almost always a Bird Pot Creature, which is something that I developed, inspired by the work of Hieronymus Bosch and Pieter Bruegel. There is one exception when after the shooting in Las Vegas, I drew a skull with crossed rifles and paired the image with De La Soul lyrics “Gun control means using both hands in our land.”
1xRun: What materials were used to create this original piece?
RZ: India ink on paper.
1xRun: When was it originally drawn/created?
RZ: In the last week.
1xRun: Tell us how the idea and execution came about for this image?
RZ: Because the project has to do with news and current events and immediately relevant issues, I chose a Bird Pot Creature with an early printing press. Strewn about on the floor of his shop are pieces of paper with all of the different drawings that I have so far drawn and released on Wednesdays. One deals with sexual harassment, one is about the North Korean threat, one is about kneeling NFL players and so on.

SIZE: 18 x 24 Inches
MEDIA: 2-Color Screen Print
EDITION: 75 Signed & Numbered
PRICE: $65