1XRUN Witnesses in All Love's Countries Release
This has been a rough several years for everyone, all over the world. And although there are clear signs that good things are starting to move, it will likely become more difficult before it gets easier.
I wanted to make a piece that acknowledged that difficulty without being cynical or bleak. Something with beauty and optimism. The Kinnara is a mythical creature found in much of Asia. Details vary depending on the region but in Southeast Asia, they are part-bird and part-human. They act as protectors, watching over the well-being of humans during times of hardship or danger.
For the text, I chose the poem “When all my Five and Country Senses See” by Dylan Thomas. Like most of his poems, the meaning is not very straightforward on first reading but it leaves one with an uneasiness and sadness. It describes sadness and frustration and a falling away of love and optimism, but it does so with elegance. It asks as the psychological environment for Kinnara to reside in.
The style of this piece is inspired by Sak Yant tattoo art from Thailand and Cambodia, which is text-heavy and dense which I tend to be drawn to. The tradition of this type of tattoo is deeply connected to religious processes and the tattoos themselves act as prayers and invocations.
This piece is 18″ x 24″ and is available in yellow for $65 or gold variants for $150 through 1xRun as part of their 12 Days of Printsmas holiday release series. Other artists featured include Bill Barminski, Brandon Boyd, Cope2, Denial, Jeff Gillette, Luke Chueh, Maser, Mike Giant, Ron English, Sage Vaughn, and Wayne White.